It's simple really: English grammar can be a very dry subject, but this need not be the case. For a few years now, I have been developing a games-based approach to teaching important grammar concepts. It is amazing how the introduction of dice takes the learning into a new place - the element of chance making it seem less like work and more like play. Because I test my games extensively in the classroom, I get a feel for what works. Dump your boring worksheets and start dicing with grammar.
It's simple really: English grammar can be a very dry subject, but this need not be the case. For a few years now, I have been developing a games-based approach to teaching important grammar concepts. It is amazing how the introduction of dice takes the learning into a new place - the element of chance making it seem less like work and more like play. Because I test my games extensively in the classroom, I get a feel for what works. Dump your boring worksheets and start dicing with grammar.
Teach children the important skill of organisation within a paragraph. Essential for non-fiction writing. This bundle is suitable for information writing, persuasive and biography writing.
Three-week writing unit about a Greek myth, planned in detail and fully resourced and differentiated. It is pitched at Year 4, but would work equally well in Year 5 or 6 (please see the key skills covered below). For most sessions, there are resources to extend high attainers and resources to support SEN learners. By the end of the unit, children will have written a Greek myth of their own, informed by the structure of Theseus and the Minotaur. Along the way, there is drama, grammar skills, vocabulary work and short-burst diary writing - please see the objectives below. This unit is ready to go!
Three weeks of differentiated resources is a lot of files, so you can’t see it all in the preview. When you buy, please use the zip folder. The contents of the zip are organised into weeks and then into individual lessons (the other files are only there so that people can preview the unit!) . The zip will enable you to navigate your way through the plan and related resources with ease. All resources are PowerPoint and Word, so you will have no issues opening anything - and you can edit to suit your own needs - no PDFs!
There are many, many resources included. Here are a few key examples:
model text (short and long versions);
a story map;
drama activities;
story boards;
cold task/assessment task;
reading comprehension activities;
conjunctions activities;
scavenger hunt;
paragraphing activities;
pronoun activities;
noun phrase activities;
fronted adverbial activities;
tool kits;
idea gathering resources;
planning grids;
peer assessment resources;
and many more!
The key objectives covered repeatedly throughout the unit are:
• increasing their familiarity with a wide range of books, including myths and legends, and retelling some of these orally
• asking questions to improve their understanding of a text
• drawing inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evidence
• I can use a wide range of subordinating conjunctions (when, if, because, although)
• I understand the term ‘adverbial’ and I can use fronted adverbials (with a comma)
• I can choose a variety of nouns and pronouns (to avoid repetition)
• discussing writing similar to that which they are planning to write in order to understand and learn from its structure, vocabulary and grammar
• organising paragraphs around a theme
Evaluate and edit by:
• assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing and suggesting improvements
These have been broken down and written in ‘child speak’ within the planning.
Everything you need to get your KS2/KS3 class using the language of argument, persuasion, discussion or debate. This set of resources includes games to develop vocabulary and resources that lead to extended writing. You'll love these - I use them often in year 5 and year 6!
This is now the original 40 grammar dice games (a 145 page word document containing 40 fun grammar games) and also 38 more grammar games. Unlike a lot of sellers, my work is a Word document, so you can edit-and-adapt to make it work in your classroom. All of these games have been tested in class and adjusted if needed. They have a real impact on learning.
For each grammar skill there is:
a child friendly explanation of the concept; printable rules and resources for a lively dice game; suggestions to challenge or support learners; suggestions for application of the skill in written work.
For some grammar games there is also a lesson plan and a presentation.
Some of the games included are:
1. Mission Control - Write commands, questions and statements
2. Mythical Six
3. Simple or Compound
4. Adverb Sea Monsters
5. How many proper nouns? - Use proper nouns in a sentence
6. Castle of Nouns - Classify different types of nouns
7. The Memory Test – contractions
8. Apostrophe abductions - Identify possessive apostrophes and contractions
9. Synonym racers (adjectives) - Use more adventurous adjectives
10. Unplanned Story - Use sentence variety
11. Whose side are you on? - Learn the language of argument
12. Whose side are you on? (advanced) - Use extended arguments in a balanced discussion
13. Sentence Extenders - Extend simple sentences in a variety of ways
14. Battle of the complex sentences - Create complex sentences
15. Simple, compound or complex - Create simple, compound or complex sentences
16. Explanation game - Use causal connectives
17. Fronted adverbials - Use a variety of fronted adverbials
18. Warrior swords - Vary the length of fronted adverbials
19. Score my speech - Punctuate direct speech accurately
20. Score my interrupted speech - Interrupt direct speech by dropping a reporting clause in
21. The relative clause team game - Drop a relative clause into a sentence
22. Will you or won’t you? - Use modal verbs in sentences
23. ‘Time’ or ‘Place’ - Classify prepositions into two groups
24. Add a prepositional phrase - Add a prepositional phrase to a main clause
25. Punctuation show-offs - Use dashes, brackets and semi-colons
26. Plural planets - Explore 6 rules for making plurals
27. Battle words - Use this for any spelling rule!
28. Determiners ‘Point or show quantity’ - Learn all about determiners
29. Determiners ‘Introduce the noun’ - Classify and use determiners
30. Unstressed vowel race - spell unstressed vowels
31. Follow the rule/break the rule - spell ‘ie’ and ‘ei’ words
32. Creepy crawly colon sentences - Colons to explain
33. Colons to introduce lists
...and more!!!
Three weeks of creative and fully resourced Year 2 Talk for Writing planning involving drama, reading skills (information retrieval and then inference), poetry, grammar skills, drawing, diary writing and story writing. Only a few of the lessons and outcomes are shown in the preview. Each lesson is fully resourced and differentiated - there is also a focus on greater depth opportunities. To get the most from this writing project, it would be useful if the class had access to a copy of ‘The Tear Thief’ by Carol Ann Duffy - a magical picture book. If you buy this unit, PLEASE USE THE ZIP FOLDER - everything you need is in there. Each session is organised into a separate folder. The other files are simply there as a preview to show some of the resources included.
Over the three weeks, the following Y2 objectives are thoroughly covered:
• I can say and write a sentences with a capital letter and a full stop
• I can use different joining words (conjunctions) to join my ideas
• I can use carefully chosen adjectives/expanded noun phrases
• I can use an apostrophe to show ownership
• I can spot meaning breakdowns
• I can visualise a character from a story
• I can find information in a story
• I can read like a detective (inference)
• I can retell a story in sentences
• I can add a new part to a story I know
• I can create a character
• I understand how a story can be organised
• In my own writing, I can use words and ideas from a story I have read
• I can write a story (using the skills I have been learning)
This unit could be easily adapted for use in other year groups.
This is a 3 week KS2 writing unit based on an extract from ‘Varjak Paw’. Each of the 16 sessions has a clear and detailed lesson plan, presentation slides and differentiated activities (greater depth, on track and support) complete with resources. It’s all here!
For a large chunk of this unit, children explore a wonderful extract from chapter 21: Varjak discovers a toy shop and meets a toy cat. Using this passage for inspiration, children create short bursts of writing whilst learning and applying new skills. These short bursts are eventually combined to create a diary entry.
When you open the zip, you will find a folder for each session - everything is organised in a user-friendly way. As with all of my resources, all files have been created using PowerPoint and Word, so you can edit and adapt as you wish.
I have aimed this unit at Year 4, but it could be used in any KS2 setting - I would happily do this project with Year 6 pupils.
This unit has been very carefully sequenced and builds towards quality writing outcomes. It is packed with talk, reading, vocabulary, grammar and composition skills.
Unit Overview
Session 1 Prewriting activity – I can visualise a story setting
Session 2 Cold task – What do you already know about diary writing?
Session 3 I can notice and define adventurous words and phrases
Session 4 I can reuse adventurous words and phrases
Session 5 Reading activity: I can read like a detective
Session 6 I can use prepositions to show where something is (in relation to something else)
Session 7 I can use preposition phrases to organise a paragraph
Session 8 I can describe how a character is feeling using their body language
Session 9 I can punctuate direct speech correctly (sentence level)
Session 10 I can punctuate direct speech correctly (text level)
Session 11 I can use ‘but’ to change direction in an unexpected way
Session 12 I can write sentences using adventurous vocabulary and prepositions
Session 13 I can pick out the key features of diary writing
Session 14 I can use the key features of diary writing
Session 15 I can plan a diary entry independently
Session 16 Independent diary writing. Children have the opportunity to demonstrate their new skills and knowledge.
I’ll admit it! I’m a bit obsessed with ‘Beowulf’. I do have a good reason: it inspires great writing.
You are buying:
a mega three week fiction writing unit;
a four/five session journalistic style unit;
a sentence grammar activity that I use frequently - it can be adapted for any text and is worth revisiting often.
Of course, they are all strictly ‘Beowulf’ themed. Get involved - you’ll soon get the Beowulf bug.
This is a fully resourced unit inspired by ‘The Iron Man’. Children change key parts of a known story into news reports. Every session has a detailed plan, a presentation and resources for writing tasks. This was planned for Y4, but it could be easily adapted to any KS2 class (everything is fully editable in Word and PowerPoint). There are some preview screen shots to give you a feel for the unit, but the whole unit is included in the attached zip folder. Each lesson is organised into subfolders for ease of use. Enjoy!
Here is a brief overview of the 15 sessions:
Pre-unit Assessment - Cold task – ‘Lion loose in school grounds’
• I can show what I already know about newspaper reports
Asking questions – reading comprehension
• I can ask questions about the text I am reading
Interviewer and eye witness part 1: Hogarth
• I can use drama explore events from different points of view
Interviewer and eye witness part 2: Hogarth’s father
• I can reuse words from the text
Interviewer and eye witness part 3 and 4: farmer and police officer
• I can use drama explore events from different points of view
Paragraph structure
• I can group and order information
Headlines and summaries
I can tell, sell and summarise
Adverbials of time (fronted adverbials)
• I can use adverbs to say when an event happened
Adverbials of time (again!)
• I can use adverbs to say when an event happened
Switching between different voices (objective journalistic comment and informal first person quotes)
• I can change between third person (journalist) to first person (eye-witness)
Extend a paragraph with further related information
• I can add information to a paragraph (sticking to the theme)
Co-create a toolkit and pick out key features from news reports
• I can identify the features of a news report
Combine writing from sessions 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 to create a full news report.
• I can edit, improve and publish my work
Generate ideas for hot task through drama and plan a news report
• I can plan a news report
Extended writing - Apply learning from across the unit
• I can write a newspaper report (based on a known narrative)
Spelling can be fun when approached through games. Here are some great spelling games that I have perfected over the years.
Huge saving available here!
This bundle is three KS2 writing resources (or 6 weeks of fully planned and resourced English lessons) exploring the story of ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’. It includes a three week myth writing unit, as a five session newspaper report unit and a five session poetry and book making unit.
I always seem to get the best writing from my class when there are strange creatures and beasts involved. If you do too, I think you’ll love these plans and resources.
Here are three of my favourite writing units. I have used them in Y4, Y5 and Y6.
There is 3 weeks of myth writing, inspired by the traditional story ‘The Asrai’ (a mysterious lake creature).
There is 3 weeks of legend writing, inspired by a short version of ‘Beowulf’.
There is 3 weeks of legend writing, `
1 week of performance poetry and book making inspired by ‘Theseus’.
There is 1 week of poetry writing, inspired by ‘The Kraken’.